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Passionate for fashion and a fast-paced Jet Set environment, our Cashiers are Jet Set Ambassadors, representing the vision of Michael, Our Ambassadors are empowered to deliver an elevated customer experience with exceptional communication skills and, as team players, collaborate with a positive approach to challenges, demonstrating  speed, energy and optimism.

Major Responsibilities include but are not limited to:


  • Ensure image and grooming standards are aligned with the brand policy
  • Practice and role model the company behaviors, ensuring effective use of the behavior toolkit
  • A charismatic, people focused professional who enjoys working as part of a large team to deliver an exceptional Jet Set Experience


  • Provide the highest level of Jet Set Experience to the Michael Kors customer, by greeting each customer and approaching the last steps of the customer’s purchase in a warm and friendly manner
  • Respond to customer questions and concerns quickly and effectively as well as ensuring customer satisfaction
  • Maintain client communication as a Jet Set Ambassador through utilizing all available clientelling Apps and tools
  • Proactively manage the CRM database


  • Use of Product Knowledge packs to become a Selling Expert to advise our customers with passion and confidence
  • Understand business results and opportunities to drive sales


  • Responsible for the cash registers and the correct functioning of all the necessary devices.
  • Controlling the effective payments tenders
  • Be aware of the Company returns, refunds policies
  • Support with opening / closing tills procedures following guidelines

Job Requirements

  • Excitement and enthusiasm to work in fast paced retail environment
  • Strong interpersonal and team working skills
  • Detail oriented maintaining clean and tidy checkout areas
  • Technology proficient, knowledge and use of leveraging technology to manage sales and customer experience
  • Fluent English preferable and strong communication skills

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer M/D/F/

Interested in? Please, send your CV in English: [email protected]

Disclaimer: The above mentioned offer is published on behalf of the brands trading in Wrocław Fashion Outlet. Wrocław Fashion Outlet takes no responsibility nor provides any guarantee on the accuracy of the offers. For any questions please contact the brands directly (contact details in the above-mentioned offer).

Wyłączenie odpowiedzialności: Powyższa oferta jest opublikowana w imieniu sklepów prowadzących sprzedaż we Wrocław Fashion Outlet. Wrocław Fashion Outlet nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ofert ani nie gwarantuje prawidłowości danych w nich zawartych. W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań prosimy o kontakt bezpośrednio ze sklepami (dane kontaktowe można znaleźć w powyższych ofertach).

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© Wrocław Fashion Outlet, 2024, Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone